Goods In Transit (GIT)

The policy covers the risks of loss of or damage to the goods insured caused by accident, burglary, collision, fire, or overturning while in transit.

Certain properties obtain their values from supplementary endpoints. Refer to the Auxiliary page for a list of these additional endpoints.

Buy Goods In Transit Insurance

Use this end-point to buy Goods in transit insurance.


Request Body

   "responseText":"policy purchase successful",
      "phone":"+1 (276) 203-9432",
      "expiration_date":"Thu, 02 Mar 2023 23:00:00 GMT",

Premium amount is 0.5% of the gross annual limit.

Sample Request Payload
   "business_name":"Ade and sons Nig Ltd",
   "business_phone_number": "09099889988",
   "state": "Lagos",
   "address":"24 rd Opebi Ikeja Lagos",
   "type_of_goods":"Consumer goods",
   "operation_type":"Inter state",
   "gross_annual_limit": 50000000,
   "number_of_annual_trips": 24,
   "limit_per_trip": 200000,

Certain properties obtain their values from supplementary endpoints. Refer to the Auxiliary page for a list of these additional endpoints.

Last updated