
Is your team using React.js? We've got you covered!


With NPM

npm install @mycoverai/mca-react-sdk

From CDN

<script src=""></script>


Import in your template and setup your business configuration by supplying your public key. If product_id is not provided or is an empty array, the SDK will display a list of insurance products for the customer to choose from. You can supply an array of strings, where each string represents an insurance product's id, for the user to select from.

//import package
import { Mca } from '@mycoverai/mca-react-sdk'

  Buy Insurance


The Mca component is flexible and lets you add any element as children or parent. To style your CTA, see this example using TailwindCSS:

   <button className="w-[300px] h-[56px] bg-green-700 text-white font-medium rounded-md">
       Buy Insurance


By default, Next uses universal (client-side + server-side) rendering to render your application. Client rendering is opt-in, meaning you have to explicitly decide what components React should render on the client. If you attempt to render the Mca component without using the "use client" directive, it will result in an error. See documentation for more information.

Component props

interface Config {
    productId?: Array<String>
    publicKey: string,
    callback?: () => void,
    onClose?: () => void,
    form?: object,
    landingUrls?: string[];

Last updated